BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2013 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Administrator's Guide > Troubleshooting server performance and stability > Configuring the Windows Performance Monitor > Logging Performance Monitor data

Logging Performance Monitor data

The data captured by Performance Monitor can be very useful for problem diagnosis and configuration analysis. You might be asked by BlueCielo Technical Support to log performance data and send it to BlueCielo for analysis.

Note    The Meridian Enterprise performance counters are 32-bit and are not compatible with the default 64-bit Windows Performance Monitor. On 64-bit computers, use the 32-bit Performance Monitor that is provided with 64-bit Windows editions instead. It can be started from C:\Windows\SysWOW64\perfmon.exe.

To log performance data from 64-bit computers with the 32-bit Performance Monitor requires the 32-bit logging service. The service can be configured for use by the 32-bit Perfomance Monitor by executing the following command line:

sc config sysmonlog binPath=%systemroot%\syswow64\smlogsvc.exe

To log Performance Monitor data:

  1. Open the Performance Monitor on the Meridian application server.
  2. Create a new counter log or data collector set, depending on the version of Windows.
  3. Add all counters of the AutoManager EDM Server object.
  4. Set the sample interval to between 15 and 120 seconds, depending on the duration of the problem.
  5. Start the log just before reproducing the problem and run it long enough to capture a representative sampling of the problem behavior.
  6. Compress the resulting log file with WinZIP or equivalent and email it along with a CAB file created with the AMRepU tool to

Related concepts

Configuring the Windows Performance Monitor

Related tasks

Monitoring processor queue length

Monitoring disk queue length

Monitoring disk and processor time

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